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HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/119 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - BANGLADESH: Justice institutions need fundamental change to address torture E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/120 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - INDIA: Woeful implementation of welfare schemes responsible for high malnutrition among children E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/121 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - INDIA: A country afraid to prevent custodial torture E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/122 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - INDONESIA: Minority religion and belief yet to be protected by government E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/123 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - INDONESIA: No effective judicial process or remedy for victims of summary executions E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/124 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - INDONESIA: Judicial and legal systems have failed to address torture E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/125 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - MYANMAR: A state that requires the foundations for justice institutions to be built to achieve a stable change E
HRC 31st 19/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/126 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status - PAKISTAN: Government undermines the people’s Right to Life E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/127 Written statement submitted by the Pasumai Thaayagam Foundation, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Accountability, Justice and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/128 Written statement submitted by Human Rights Now, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Human Rights Now expresses deep concern over the continuing crackdown and detention of human rights lawyers in China E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/129 Written statement submitted by the Norwegian Refugee Council, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Obstruction of Humanitarian Assistance under International Law E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/130 Written statement submitted by the Arab NGO Network for Development, a non-governmental organization on the roster - Economic and social rights conditions in Lebanon in light of second cycle Universal Periodic Review E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/131 Written statement submitted by the Pasumai Thaayagam Foundation, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Justice delayed is justice denied: bring justice to the victims in Sri Lanka E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/132 Written statement submitted by Amnesty International, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Sri Lanka: Maintain momentum, deliver on human rights commitments E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/133 Joint written statement submitted by Liberal International (World Liberal Union), non-governmental organizations in general consultative status - Deterioration of the State of Democracy and the Rule of Law around the World E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/134 Written statement submitted by the International Catholic Child Bureau, non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Institutionalization of Children with Mental Disabilities in the Russian Federation E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/135 Written statement submitted by the International Catholic Child Bureau, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Institutionalization of Children with Disabilities in Kazakhstan E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/137 Written statement submitted by the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - The refugee and migrant crisis in need for a prompt and comprehensive UN response E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/138 Written statement submitted by the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Necessity of Establishing a Structure to Defend the Rights of Victims of Terrorism in Human Rights Council E
HRC 31st 22/02/2016A/HRC/31/NGO/139 Written statement submitted by the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status - Terrorism as the Worst Kind of Violence in Human History E