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HRC 37th 01/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/1 Written statement submitted by Terre Des Hommes Federation Internationale. Right to Development and Sovereignty over Resources of Youth from Western Sahara E
HRC 37th 02/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/10 [Exposé écrit présenté par l’Agence pour les droits de l’homme. Crise humanitaire au Yémen ; les ONG de défense des droits de l’Homme condamnent les dirigeants occidentaux qui autorisent leur client saoudien à bombarder le Yémen] F
HRC 37th 12/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/100 Written statement submitted by Organisation internationale pour les pays les moins avancés. Human rights based approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Yemen E
HRC 37th 08/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/101 Written statement submitted by the BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights. Extension of Israeli Sovereignty in oPt Amounts to Annexation E
HRC 37th 12/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/102 Written statement submitted by Organisation internationale pour les pays les moins avancés. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals - Poverty and the Children in armed conflicts in LDCs E
HRC 37th 08/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/103 Written statement submitted by Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII. Maternal Surrogacy: a violation of fundamental human rights E
HRC 37th 13/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/104 Written statement submitted by Amnesty International. Saudi Arabia must take immediate steps to address concerns of UN Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism Amnesty International’s written statement to the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council E
HRC 37th 13/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/105 Written statement submitted by United Nations Watch. Why the Blacklist Violates UN Principles and International Law E
HRC 37th 15/03/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/106 Written statement submitted by United Nations Watch. Title of Special Rapporteur is Deceptive as He Ignores Palestinian Human Rights Abuses E
HRC 37th 09/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/107 Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre. BANGLADESH: Government stands against independent human rights defenders E
HRC 37th 13/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/108 Written statement submitted by Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l’homme. Situation of Slavery of African Migrants in Libya and the Maghreb E
HRC 37th 09/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/109 [Exposé écrit présenté conjointement par International Catholic Child Bureau, Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Violation de la loi du 10 janvier 2009 portant protection de l’enfant en République démocratique du Congo] F
HRC 37th 02/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/11 Written statement submitted by Agence pour les droits de l’homme. The Situation of Human Rights in Yemen E
HRC 37th 09/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/110 Written statement submitted by Rencontre Africaine pour la défense des droits de l'homme. Death Penalty as Political Revenge Tools E
HRC 37th 15/02/2018A/HRC/37/NGO/111 Written statement submitted by United Nations Watch. UNRWA Must Stop Devastating Palestinians and Inciting Racism E
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