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HRC 45th 22/09/2020A/HRC/45/NGO/155 Exposición escrita presentada por Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, organización no gubernamental reconocida como entidad consultiva especial S
CHR 54th 06/03/1998E/CN.4/1998/NGO/32 Written statement submitted by the Union of Arab Jurists E F S
CHR 54th 06/03/1998E/CN.4/1998/NGO/33 Written statement submitted by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom E F S
CHR 54th 06/03/1998E/CN.4/1998/NGO/34 Written statement submitted by North South XXI E F S
CHR 54th 06/03/1998E/CN.4/1998/NGO/35 Written statement submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation E F S
CHR 56th 22/02/2000E/CN.4/2000/NGO/120 (Exposé écrit présenté conjointement par l'Association du monde indigène, le Conseil international des traités indiens et l'Organisation internationale de développement des ressources indigènes, l'Indian Law Resource Center et le Conseil same) E F S
CHR 56th 07/03/2000E/CN.4/2000/NGO/128 Written statement submitted by the Society for Threatened Peoples E F S
CHR 56th 10/02/2000E/CN.4/2000/NGO/83 Written statement submitted by North-South XX E F S
CHR 58th 18/02/2002E/CN.4/2002/NGO/151 Written statement submitted by the Society for Threatened Peoples E
CHR 59th 12/03/2003E/CN.4/2003/NGO/120 Joint written statement submitted by American Indian Law Alliance and Inuit Circumpolar Conference, non-governmental organizations in special consultative status and Grand Council of the Crees E
CHR 59th 12/03/2003E/CN.4/2003/NGO/126 Written statement submitted by International Indian Treaty Council E
CHR 59th 17/03/2003E/CN.4/2003/NGO/250 (Exposición por escrito por Movimiento Indio Tupaj Amaru) S
CHR 59th 29/03/2003E/CN.4/2003/NGO/268 Written statement submitted by Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers) E
SUBCOM 51st 28/06/1999E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/NGO/16 Written statement submitted by the Society for Threatened Peoples E F S
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