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CHR 51st 06/02/1995E/CN.4/1995/119 Comments on the draft United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples - Note by the International Labour Office E F S A C R
CHR 51st 06/03/1995E/CN.4/1995/159 Note by the Secretariat E F S A C R
CHR 56th 03/09/1999E/CN.4/1999/WG.15/1 Provisional agenda of the Working Group established in accordance with Commission resolution 1995/32 E F S A C R
CHR 55th 27/10/1999E/CN.4/1999/WG.15/INF.1 List of attendance of the Inter-sessional working group E F S
CHR 58th 05/12/2001E/CN.4/2002/WG.15/1 Provisional agenda E F S A C R
CHR 58th 10/09/2002E/CN.4/2002/WG.15/2 Provisional agenda E F S A C R
CHR 58th 21/10/2002E/CN.4/2002/WG.15/WP.1 An Australian Perspective on Self-determination Working paper submitted by Dr. William Jonas E F S A C R
CHR 58th 14/11/2002E/CN.4/2002/WG.15/WP.4* Summary of the Informal Intercessional Consultations E F S A C R
CHR 58th 20/11/2002E/CN.4/2002/WG.15/WP.5 Article 29, Indigenous Intellectual and Cultural Property, and International Fora - Submitted by Mr. Luis Chavez E F S A C R
CHR 60th 06/09/2004E/CN.4/2004/WG/15/CRP.1 Information provided by States - Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Amended text E
CHR 60th 06/09/2004E/CN.4/2004/WG/15/CRP.2 Information provided by States on Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, explanatory comments to amended text tabled by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland E
CHR 62nd 13/09/2005E/CN.4/2005/WG.15/1 Provisional agenda E F S A C R
CHR 62nd 20/01/2006E/CN.4/2006/WG.15/1 Provisional agenda E F S A C R
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