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ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/282 Dates of the sixty-first session of the Commission on Human Rights E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/283 Organization of work of the sixty-first session of the Commission on Human Rights E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/284 Technical cooperation in the field of human rights in Afghanistan E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/285 Extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/286 Pre-sessional meeting of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/287 Workshop on free, prior and informed consent E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/288 Venue and dates for the fourth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/289 Provisional agenda for the fourth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/290 Proposal for a second international decade of the world’s indigenous people E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/291 Report of the third session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues E F S
ECOSOC 2004 06/08/2004E/DEC/2004/281 The universal implementation of international human rights treaties E F S
CHR 61st 02/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/76 Programme of Action for the Elimination of the Exploitation of Child Labour - Note by the Secretary-General E F S A C R
CHR 61st 08/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/73 Status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child E F S A C R
CHR 61st 21/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/27 Question of the violation of human rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, including Palestine E F S A C R
CHR 61st 21/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/13 Situation in occupied Palestine E F S A C R
CHR 61st 21/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/26 Question of the violation of human rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, including Palestine: Human Rights in the occupied Syrian Golan E F S A C R
CHR 61st 23/12/2004E/CN.4/2005/19 Situation of Muslim and Arab peoples in various parts of the world - Report de Doudou Diène, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance E F S A C R
CHR 61st 06/01/2005E/CN.4/2005/88 Report of Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people E F S A C R