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HRC 15th 15/07/2010A/HRC/WG.6/9/FSM/2 Compilation prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 - Federated States of Micronesia E F S A C R
HRC 15th 15/07/2010A/HRC/WG.6/9/LBR/3 Summary prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) of the annex to Human rights Council resolution 5/1 - Liberia E F S A C R
HRC 9th WG UPR 04/08/2010A/HRC/WG.6/9/AND/2 Compilation prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 - Andorra E F S A C R
HRC 12th 05/10/2010A/HRC/12/48/Corr.1 [Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict - Corrigendum] R
HRC 15th 05/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/3 Independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and assessors and the independence of lawyers E F S A C R
HRC 15th 05/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/4 The right to education: follow-up to Human Rights Council resolution 8/4 E F S A C R
HRC 15th 05/10/2010A/HRC/15/G/6 Note verbale dated 30 September 2010 from the Permanent Mission of China addressed to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights E F S A C R
HRC 15th 05/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/2 Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/21 The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/22 Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/24 Human rights and unilateral coercive measures E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/8 Adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/9 Human rights and access to safe drinking water and sanitation E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/5 Forensic genetics and human rights E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/11 World Programme for Human Rights Education: adoption of the plan of action for the second phase E F S A C R
HRC 15th 06/10/2010A/HRC/RES/15/1 Follow-up to the report of the independent international factfinding mission on the incident of the humanitarian flotilla E F S A C R
GA 65th 07/10/2010A/65/53/Corr.1 Report of the Human Rights Council - Index of topics considered by the Human Rights Council in its resolutions, decisions and the President’s statement E